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Falcon C-band Block Upconverter 24119


  • Description

    Falcon C-band Block Upconverter, converting L-band to C-band. 

    The compact 1U chassis holds up to four converters modules, which are hot-swap.

    FLEXIBLE module configurations are available. Choose a mixture of up and down, agile and block converters with different operating frequencies, in the same chassis.

    RESILIENCE is also provided from hot-swap dual redundant power supplies and a field serviceable CPU.

    10MHz reference source for external/internal (field replaceable).

    INTEGRATED CONVERTER REDUNDANCY: Hot-swap and field-replaceable 2+1 redundant configuration (with standby input / output) or 1+1 redundant configuration (with standby input / output) available - see datasheet and modules below.

  • Typical Applications
    • Teleports & Earth Stations
    • Satellite Operations
    • Government & Defence applications
    • Telemetry, Tracking & Command
    • High Resilience applications
Title Model No. Price Datasheets
50 ohm SMA
50 ohm BNC/50 ohm SMA